Mustang Public Schools Bronco Club Program provides afterschool care and summer camps for your child and is run by certified teachers and administrators.
Mustang Public Schools Bronco Club Program provides summer camps for your child and is run by certified teachers and administrators.
You will embark on an exciting journey into the art of barn quilting! In this class, you’ll be guided step-by-step from start to finish, while also exploring the fascinating history of quilt trails. By the end of the class, you’ll take home a vibrant, 2x2 ft. masterpiece on a pre-cut and primed wood piece, perfect for displaying on any barn, fence, or wall. Just bring a hairdryer and a sack lunch and get ready to create something beautiful!
Enrollment Deadline: 05/24
Lindy has been employed with OSU Extension for over 7 years and is the Family & Consumer Sciences Educator for Kingfisher county. Barn Quilts is one of the many programs she teaches, is one of her favorites, and is the longest program she regularly teaches.
Lindy Peterman