Mustang Public Schools Bronco Club Program provides afterschool care and summer camps for your child and is run by certified teachers and administrators.
Mustang Public Schools Bronco Club Program provides summer camps for your child and is run by certified teachers and administrators.
The Counselor-In-Training (CIT) is for young adults entering 8th and 9th grade in the Fall. Their duty is to assist our Bronco Club staff during summer camp 2023. Responsibilities will consist of helping teachers prepare activities, mentoring kids through activities, cleaning up, and various other tasks throughout the day camp. Summer camp consists of 8 uniquely themed weeks from May 30th through July 21st. Camp is held from 7:00am-6:00pm. CITs will receive a t-shirt and will attend fields trips for the given week. Camp tuition for the weeks assigned will be at no cost if accepted to the program. CITs will be assigned specific weeks to work, we ask if possible the CIT be available to work a couple days the first week of camp. On occasion, a CIT may be contacted to see if they are available to work if extra staff is needed for field trips, activities, etc. Application to this program is not a guarantee to be accepted to the program.
Candidates are chosen based on application, references, academic standing, and availability. Notification of acceptance will be received on or before May 10, 2024.
*NOTE* Parents, CITs may be asked if available on days not initially scheduled. This is if extra staff is needed for field trips, activities, etc.